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Bad Russian Dating Profiles

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But thanks to the ubiquity of the World Wide Web, you can visit specialized Russian dating services with many profiles of men and women and start dating. Welcome to the Marvelous World of Russian Dating. Welcome to the best dating resource in the world! Here tens of thousands of users get acquainted, communicate, and fall in love. Mar 29, 2021 Ridiculously Weird Romantic Profile Pictures From Russian Dating Sites Leave a comment Lonely people all over the world have been known to go extreme lengths to find true love, but these awkwardly funny Russian dating site profile pictures show just how far some of these people will really go.

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  5. Bad Russian Dating Profiles For Women

The girls on Russian Brides just ooze sex appeal, and dish it out in generous portions. I’ve never had my burger fried so thoroughly! Russian Brides’ Live Chat should be re-named Hot Chat, it’s so over the top rousing and really get’s my juices flowing.

This Russian woman was so fed up of feeling like trash thanks to every guy she dated; she decided to pose on some trash instead. Totally dressed up, as if she’s about to go out for a night on the town, this lady has certainly created one heck of an artistic dating profile picture.

We can’t even begin to imagine how bad it smells in that garbage heap, but at least she managed to get the profile picture she wanted. Hopefully, she washes before her dates.

People love taking selfies in cars nowadays; it’s just the thing to do. So, when this lady heard that, she quickly grabbed her vehicle and drove off into the snow for the perfect picture.

What she didn’t realize is that you usually take these popular photos in the front seats – or the back seat at a push. However, she decided to go one step further and put herself in the trunk of the car. We have no idea why, but each to their own.

This young woman seems to want to let her future dates know that she has two sides to her. One is soft and playful that enjoys romantic walks on the beach and being gifted roses. The other side is a bit scarier and involves an ax.

Maybe she just wanted to show potential suitors that she knows how to chop some wood? This woman doesn’t mind getting her hands dirty, but you’d never want to mess around with her – just in case.

We kind of get the gist of what this girl is trying to do – we have been on enough Spring Breaks to know how this thing goes! However, it’s not quite the same. Firstly, she’s covering herself in a bright red energy drink which is going to be a nightmare to wash out.

Secondly, it’s definitely going to end up smelly and sticky. Thirdly, she actually looks really kind of bored which probably isn’t helping matters. Maybe her friend told her to do it to boost her dating profile, but it seems like she’s seriously regretting the choice of drink.

This woman doesn’t want you to bring her flowers; she’s already got some of those. Instead, she’d prefer it if you brought a vase on your first date. Otherwise, she’s got nowhere to put the flowers!

We’re pretty sure there must be somewhere a little bit better than the toilet for a nice bunch of roses – like a sink, maybe – but it seems as though this was her only option. It’s all fine until somebody needs to use the restroom and gets a thorn stuck somewhere!

We have no idea where to even start with this one! Why did this woman decide that the best dating profile picture was going to include bottle tops for eyes? Oh, wait… Maybe she has no eyes and wants to keep it a secret until her date turns up?!

That must be it. Or, perhaps she just wants to show off her great sense of humor. Yep, that could also be it. Anyone else have any ideas? We’re kind of confused by this whole thing.

We have a little bit of a feeling that this woman likes cats – big cats especially. Along with the coordinating outfit, she also has a throw in the striking leopard print, and she’s pulling her best big cat pose. She also likes tulips. Tulips and leopards, got it!

At least whoever chooses to date her knows exactly what to bring on the first date. The tulips, not a leopard. Unless they have a leopard, of course. This is Russia after all.

Bad Russian Dating Profiles Facebook

This woman was clearly keen to show any potential suitors the rapport she has with chickens. And her sweet, sweet dance moves. This woman and chicken are actually part of a touring dance company that goes through Russia dancing together.

We’re kidding, of course, we have no idea why this woman is dancing with a chicken. Maybe she is planning on showing off what her new date could have for dinner if he picks her? Perhaps she’s just winging this whole dating game thing. Get it?

This Russian lady has one rule for anyone that wants to date her – they aren’t allowed to argue, they always have to see eye to eye. They also have to bring her coffee and cake on the regular, but then any good date should do that anyway.

We have a feeling her friend told her to pull a funny face for a lighthearted dating profile picture, but we’re not sure it’s going to reel in many dates.

The majority of this photo looks reasonably normal. She’s wearing a cute dress to show off her figure, and she’s done her hair and makeup ready for the perfect dating profile picture. However, as you look closer, you’ll notice she is kneeling on something very strange indeed.

Is that some kind of mat for praying or exercising? And if so, why does it have the face of Putin on it? We have no idea what this is all about, but we’ll just assume it’s a Russian thing, and move swiftly on.

These ladies didn’t want to have to navigate the dating world alone, so they decided to come as a package. If you sign up for a date with one of these women, then you have to take the other one out at the same time.

That does sound like a bit of a dream for the right guy, but there is one thing. The makeup… Will it stay like that for the date? We hope they were just showing their playful side as opposed to rocking the nude lips trend – a trend that disappeared as quickly as it arrived in the ‘00s.

Woah, okay then! Why has this woman decided to create some kind of toilet shrine? Is there something we should know? Is she taking part in a restroom seance? While the first thing that catches our eye is the candles, just sitting on top of the toilet, the rest of this dating profile picture is also super strange.

What are all the things going on in the background? What kind of restroom is this? And what is that huge wet patch on her arm? We need some answers!

Bad Russian Dating Profiles Online

This Russian woman had heard about the trend of catfishing and decided to give it a go herself. She grabbed her fishing rods, headed to the nearest lake, and caught herself this giant fish. She then laid it on the floor to take the ultimate dating profile picture.

What she didn’t realize is that catfishing is merely pretending to be someone else… Not actually fishing. At least she’s showing off her impressive fishing skills to any potential suitor! Hopefully, she’ll be able to reel in a new man.

It’s important to show off your skills and talents in any dating profile. Perhaps you can play the flute? Maybe you’re really good at dancing with chickens or catching big fish? Or perhaps you can bust out the splits like this woman?!

What makes this even more impressive is that this Russian lady clearly isn’t a spring chicken anymore. However, she can do something that most people lose the ability to do as soon as they hit their 20s. We’re loving it!

Look at this handsome chap! Clearly, his favorite color is orange, and he doesn’t care who knows it! It’s quite evident that this man is trying to show off why he would be the perfect date. He likes orange – we got that – but he also loves cats, which means he has a soft side.

He’ll bring you a bunch of flowers, wrapped in orange paper of course, and he might even bring his orange superhero cape to the date. We hope he finds a fellow orange lover to live his life with!

Is this woman crying or is that glitter all over her face? That’s just one of the many questions we have when it comes to this Russian dating site profile picture. Other questions include, how did she get her eyebrows like that and why is she eating her own necklace?

As we said, it’s a very different kind of dating world in Russia, and this photo certainly goes to prove that. We just hope that it was glitter on her face and not tears!

If there is one thing we have learned about Russian dating profile pictures, it’s that food sells! It seems as though plenty of people want to get in some kind of edible item into their picture, and this woman is no different.

The only odd thing is that she is using the sausages as a form of headband and necklace. We don’t know if this is some kind of Russian fashion trend, but we won’t be wearing sausages on our heads any time soon.

Okay, so if you think sausages on your head is strange, how about this? It seems as though this Russian woman is looking for a man to save her, as she plays the ‘Damsel in Distress’ card.

Bad Russian Dating Profiles Reviews

However, she didn’t really think it through because she clearly didn’t have any rope to tie herself to the bed. So, she decided to opt for sausages instead. If that was us, we’d just eat our way through the sausages until we were released.

There’s nothing quite like a nice, hot soak in the tub before you go out for the evening. However, it seems as though this woman had run out of time to get the perfect dating profile shot before she had to leave. So, she got herself dressed up for the evening and threw herself in the empty bathtub instead.

Don’t get us wrong, she looks fantastic, but maybe she needed to pick a different location for the picture.


From what we have seen, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach – which is probably why Russian women love showing off food in their dating profiles. While some have opted for sausages or chicken, this woman is worried about her new love getting his five a day.

She wants you to eat your vegetables, but you do get a choice… Turnip or carrot? It’s your pick if you’re lucky enough to date this lady!

This woman has seriously impressed her with her gymnastics skills! However, we’re a little bit confused about the setting. Has she just made her way to a rug store wearing all of her gymnastics clothes? Perhaps she even asked the staff there to take this dating profile picture for her?

We love the idea behind this, we just don’t know why she has decided to bring so many rugs into the picture. It’s back to the drawing board for this Russian lady!

It looks like this woman has been perfecting some of her favorite dance moves in the kitchen, and wanted to catch a couple on camera for her dating profile. However, there are a few things about this photo that really disturb us. Why does she look so angry?

Who puts all of that flammable stuff on the top of the stove? Who decorated her kitchen wall? And how did she get herself into such an unnatural position? Far more questions than answers in this photo.

We know exactly who this guy should couple up with. We have already seen the woman who loves dancing with chickens, but this guy just loves chilling with chickens. They could be a match made in heaven. He knows that he’s a real ladies man, which is proven even more by the fact that he’s surrounded by chicks and the confident look in his eyes.

Bad Russian Dating Profiles Free

Now, he just needs to find a fellow chicken lover to spend the rest of his life with. We bet they’ll lay the most beautiful eggs… We mean, have the most beautiful babies.

Just check out this guy. He knows exactly what the ladies in Russian want. They want a guy with a cool car who knows how to dress and has some cash to splash. Okay, so he probably hasn’t actually paid for that fur coat yet as it still has the tag on it, and the car could do with a bit of work, but at least he’s trying.

Bad Russian Dating Profiles For Women

Maybe once he’s met the woman of his dreams, he will actually go back to the store and pay for the fur coat for her. Maybe.